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·Stone Forest Of Yunnan  ·Manzhouli  ·Chinese historical and cultural city: the ancient city of Xiangyang, Hubei Province  ·Guizhou Zhijindong: the most beautiful tourist cave in China  ·New York  ·Yuanmou Soil Forest  ·Jinsha River Tiger Leaping Gorge  ·Amazing marine life: a happy underwater world  ·Guilin Wangcheng site: the best preserved Ming Dynasty China Military Governors mansion  ·Curieuse island, Seychelles  ·Xidi Old Town In Yi County  ·Stay away from drugs, out of the shadow of opium - has been very popular in the Golden Triangle's opium market  ·Beautiful autumn scenery of the South of the Yangtze River  ·Pearl of the Taihu Lake in Wuxi  ·Amazing marine life: a happy underwater world  
·Beijing ·Anhui ·Chongqing ·Fujian ·Gansu ·Guangdong ·Guangxi
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